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In the Spirit of Negotiation

June 7th, 2013 by admin in education, negotiating

The manicured academic oasis of the Columbia University campus on Morningside Heights may be an unlikely place for tips about car buying, or any negotiation. A caravan of busses regularly splutters up Broadway. For those going downtown the 1 train offers newish Wi-Fi access below  96th Street. And then, there are car or bike-sharing options. Read the rest of this entry »

The Power of Lunch

January 30th, 2013 by admin in corporate culture, negotiating

If you are in doubt about the influence of food on negotiations,  Lakshmi Batachandra of Babson College has amassed new evidence.

Being served in a conference room or restaurant during the give and take increases the value of a deal.

The Consequences of Being Overpaid

September 21st, 2011 by admin in compensation, management, negotiating

How much are your worth? And do you consider yourself overpaid or underpaid? And what does that mean for compensation throughout a career? University of Notre Dame professor, Adam Wowak, at the Mendoza College of Business, has new research that shows CEOs who have been overpaid earlier in their tenures continue to receive the largest raises or smallest pay cuts. Read the rest of this entry »

Do Colleagues Matter?

June 8th, 2011 by admin in Careers, colleagues, employment, negotiating

Meredith Viera left the Today Show with a great deal of fanfare today. She is leaving to have a better work/life balance with no more 2:30 a.m. reveilles. There was the obligatory reel of highlights from her five years on the show. My personal favorite was a bake-off with Martha Stewart when Matt Lauer tossed a ribbon into the air and Meredith caught it. Read the rest of this entry »

Pay Gap Persists for Female Undergraduates and MBA’s

It’s graduation season. And those lucky graduates who have landed jobs, may have some disappointing news if they are female. The wage gap is alive and well. Read the rest of this entry »

Nice Girls …the Sequel

May 11th, 2011 by admin in Books, Careers, negotiating, Uncategorized, women

Early in the last decade  Dr. Lois P. Frankel  wrote Nince Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office.  The book touched a nerve, became an international best seller and was translated into 25 languages. Now Dr. Frankel is back with a co-author,  Carol Frohlinger  who is an attorney and cofounder of Negotiating Women, Inc., whose mission is to help women negotiate more confidently. The title of their new book is Nice Girls Just Don’t Get It. Read the rest of this entry »