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Intern Hiring Up, Wages Down

February 29th, 2012 by admin in Careers, compensation, employment

For those students who anticipate having summer internships in 2012 the National Association of Colleges and Employers National Association of Colleges and Employers has mixed news.

In a study released yesterday, NACE reported that employers taking their 2012 Internship and Co-op Survey reported they expected to increase intern hiring by 8.5% this summer. Considering that internships have become a proving ground for eventual employment, that would seem to be positive news. NAE reports that paid interns were more likely to get a job offer, have a job in hand by the time they graduated and receive a higher starting salary than their peers who took part in an unpaid internship or no internship at all.

NACE reported that nearly all those participating in the survey expect to pay their interns, although the average salary is down from $16.68 an hour a year ago to $16.21 an hour now. While that comes to $650 a week, companies in fashion, media and other so-called creative fields, still require that interns work for course credit only.


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