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Motherhood and Inequality

Eduardo Porter at The New York Times makes a case this morning that of. Motherhood Still a Cause of Pay Inequality.

This follows another recent Times story about men being attracted to pink collar jobs  by his colleagues Shaila Dewan and Robert Gebeloff. Read the rest of this entry »

Stress on the Job

March 30th, 2011 by admin in Careers

If you feel stressed at work, you are not alone. In a study released today by Everest College, (a for profit college that’s part of the Corinthian network of colleges) and conducted by Harris Interactive, more than three quarters of American workers are stressed about something related to their jobs.
What stresses us? Low pay is highest on the list at 14%, followed by commuting 11%, unreasonable workload 9% and fear of layoffs, also 9%.
Co-workers, the boss, lack of work/life balance and lack of opportunity for advancement, also hold their share of annoyance.
Wendy Cullen, vice president of employer development at Everest College says employers are becoming well aware of the need to address rising employee stress and those who don’t address it will likely suffer lower morale and productivity.
In upcoming posts we’ll see what employees can do on their own during their commutes and balancing their responsibilities to alleviate stress.