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Celebrity Boards, Super Star CEO’s

The New York Times Dealbook today had a story entitled Handicapping the Investment of IAC in Chelsea Clinton  by Steven M. Davidoff, former corporate lawyer who is a professor at Ohio State University. Read the rest of this entry »

Equal Pay

April 13th, 2011 by admin in compensation, employment, Uncategorized, women

Yesterday was Equal Pay Day which comes from the amount of time women need to work into the following year to make the equivalent men made the year before. Read the rest of this entry »

Overcoming Career Setbacks

February 9th, 2011 by admin in Careers, management

Reaching the top of the corporate pyramid is rare, but it’s especially tough for women and minorities.

Every career has its chutes and ladders, pauses and moments of opportunity.

We turn to two executives who faced periods of indecision during their careers and found inspiration for what to do next. As it happens both are black.

When Deborah Wright, CEO of Carver Bankcorp, New York was laid off from the investment bank First Boston she turned to Robert Holland, the first black partner at McKinsey and Company  but is perhaps better known as CEO of  Ben and Jerry’s for advice about what to do next. Read the rest of this entry »