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Lessons in Shattering the Glass Ceiling

March 7th, 2011 by admin in Careers, jobs skills, management, Uncategorized

Attention recently turned to corporate boards in Europe again after  a report  commissioned by the British government said women should comprise at least a quarter of the boards of the largest British companies by 2015. The report stopped short of the mandate that’s existed in Norway since 2005. There 40% of corporate boards are required to be women by law.   Read the rest of this entry »

Keys to a Successful Career

February 16th, 2011 by admin in Careers, employment, management

 Even as we examined the influences on the rise of  two black executives  the EEOC  was preparing to hold hearings about whether unemployed job applicants are being discriminated against.

With some employers only considering currently employed applicants, there are those who say denying jobs to the already-unemployed can also have a disproportionate effect on certain racial and ethnic minority community members. Algernon Austin, Director of the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy of the Economic Policy Institute,  says that unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans are higher than those of whites.  Restricting applications to the currently employed could place a heavier burden on people of color, he concluded. Read the rest of this entry »

Job Seekers Take Note and Heart

December 9th, 2009 by admin in Uncategorized

For the nearly 90% of employees who have kept their jobs in this recession, a game of musical chairs may be about to begin. As they’ve watched their colleagues endure layoffs, and perhaps experienced some survivor guilt, the added responsibilities appear to have taken a toll and may be near a breaking point. More than half the workforce expects to have a foot out the door in the New Year.

In a newly released survey Right Management (the subsidiary of Manpower, Inc. that handles outplacement) asked 900 workers, “Do you plan to pursue new job opportunities as the economy improves in 2010? Rather than expecting to stay put, fully 60% replied that “yes, I intend to leave.” And nearly another quarter, 21% said “maybe, so I’m networking.”

Hiring managers take note.